Making the move to Microsoft Sentinel

23 april 2024

As decision-makers in Security Operations Centers (SOCs), you're intimately familiar with the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity threats. Transitioning to Microsoft Sentinel presents a strategic opportunity to fortify your organisation's defences against evolving threats.

Understanding the Significance of Detection and Response

In today's threat landscape, where cyberattacks are growing in frequency and sophistication, traditional security measures often fall short. Detection and Response services act as a cloud-native SIEM solution, offering advanced threat detection and response capabilities tailored to meet the demands of modern SOC environments. 

Leveraging the power of Microsoft's ecosystem, Sentinel provides unparalleled visibility into security events, enabling proactive threat hunting and rapid incident response. 

Microsoft Sentinel is 48 percent less expensive and 67 percent faster to deploy than legacy on-premises SIEMs.

Source: Microsoft

Maximising Your Existing Investments with Microsoft Sentinel

As decision-makers familiar with Microsoft software, you understand the value of maximising existing investments. Transitioning to Microsoft Sentinel allows you to leverage your organisation's familiarity with Microsoft technologies while unlocking new capabilities to enhance your cybersecurity posture.

Sentinel seamlessly integrates with Azure services, Microsoft 365, and other Microsoft security solutions, providing a cohesive platform to centralise security operations and streamline workflows.

The Microsoft Sentinel Integration Process

Experts recommend a phased approach to transitioning to Microsoft Sentinel, starting with comprehensive planning and assessment.

The integration process for Microsoft Sentinel involves several steps to ensure seamless data collection and correlation for effective threat detection and response:

1. Assessment and Planning

2. Connectors Configuration

3. Custom Connectors Development (if necessary)

4. Data Ingestion and Normalisation

5. Rule and Query Configuration

6. Incident Response Workflows

7. Testing and Validation

8. Monitoring and Optimisation


Addressing Common Concerns and Misconceptions

While contemplating the move to Microsoft Sentinel, it's natural to have concerns and misconceptions. Rest assured, our Microsoft Sentinel packages offer simplified deployment options, flexible pricing models, and scalability to meet the evolving needs of your organisation.

How Combitech Supports Microsoft Sentinel

Combitech’s service is centred around providing detection and response, management and day-to-day SOC operations, using Microsoft Sentinel, as part of the client's Microsoft environment.

We now offer fixed-price packages that offer clarity and certainty in cybersecurity expenses, enabling you to accurately forecast costs and allocate resources efficiently.

Our transparent fixed-pricing structure and tailored solutions, gives organisations full coverage of a range of services tailored to their cybersecurity needs. From incident handling, continous improvement, operational support, or 24/7 montioring, our packages ensure you recieve all the services you need with no added costs. 

By partnering with Combitech and leveraging our fixed-price packages, you can navigate the complex threat landscape effectively, enhance their cybersecurity resilience, and safeguard their digital future. 

View our fixed-price packages today

Unlocking the Power of Sentinel

Sentinel serves as a valuable tool for SOC leaders, providing insights into your organisation's security posture and guiding strategic decisions.

The benefits of adopting Microsoft Sentinel extend beyond enhanced threat detection and response capabilities. With Sentinel, SOC leaders can streamline incident response processes, automate repetitive tasks, and gain deep insights into security events.

Empowering SOC Leaders with Microsoft Sentinel

In conclusion, Microsoft Sentinel offers SOC leaders a strategic opportunity to elevate cybersecurity defence and mitigate evolving threats effectively. It's time for SOC leaders to seize the opportunity and embark on a journey towards enhanced cybersecurity resilience with Microsoft Sentinel.

Book your free Sentinel discovery call today